Welcome, fellow readers! Today, we're thrilled to announce: the Brightscout Referral Program! We're launching this Referral Program to harness the power of our collective networks and create more opportunities for our amazing team members and partners to share in our success. 

At the heart of our business, our clients hold immense value for us. Your satisfaction and trust are the cornerstones upon which we've built our foundation. Now, we want to extend our gratitude and rewards to you for sharing your positive experiences with others.

In the wild jungle of business, word-of-mouth reigns supreme. And what better way to harness the power of word-of-mouth than by rewarding our amazing clients and partners for spreading the good word about Brightscout? 

Our referral program isn't just about spreading the word—it's about celebrating the relationships we've fostered with every partner. Your endorsement is a testament to the quality and excellence we strive to deliver. 

So, strap in and get ready to embark on a journey of sharing, caring, and of course, earning with Brightscout's Referral Program. Let's illuminate the world together, one referral at a time. 

Who is eligible for the Referral Program and what are the terms? 

Existing Clients and Partners: All current clients and partners of Brightscout are eligible to participate in the referral program. Whether you've worked with us in the past or are currently engaged in a project, you're welcome to join and reap the benefits.

Brightscout Team Members: Our dedicated team members are also eligible to participate. We believe in recognizing and rewarding the efforts of everyone who contributes to our success, both internally and externally.

Direct Professional Relationship: To qualify as a referrer, you must have a direct professional relationship with both Brightscout and the referred client. This ensures that referrals come from trusted sources who are familiar with our services and can attest to their quality.

Signed Contract Requirement: Referrals must result in a signed contract with the new client to be considered eligible for rewards. This ensures that the referral leads to tangible business outcomes for both parties involved.

By adhering to these eligibility criteria, we aim to foster a program that rewards genuine connections and meaningful referrals, driving mutual success for all parties involved.

A frequently asked question is, can I refer myself or my own company? The answer’s no, my friend, because the program is intended to bring new clients and projects into Brightscout from external sources.

How does it work? 

The process is pretty straightforward: 

  1. Referral Submission: Please send an email to referrals@brightscout.com or make an introduction directly to your contact at Brightscout to submit a referral. Your email should include the contact information for the potential client and a brief description of the potential project.
  2. Verification & Approval: Our team will reach out to the referred potential client to verify the project details and evaluate the fit.
  3. Project Kick-off: Once the project is officially onboarded and the initial payment is received, the referral reward will be confirmed.
  4. Reward Distribution: The referral fee will be distributed as we receive the revenue, reflecting our commitment to recognizing your contribution and aligning interests in the project's success.

When envisioning our referral program, we meticulously crafted criteria to ensure it fosters meaningful connections and mutual benefits. We also ensured that the referrals stem from genuine connections and firsthand experiences with our services. This approach reflects our commitment to transparency, fairness, and recognizing the invaluable contributions of our community members. 

What about the timing? 

Once you submit a referral, a member of our team will keep you informed about the status of your referral through the verification, approval, and project initiation stages.

Commissions are disbursed monthly, with a 30-day delay to accommodate client payment processing and potential cancellations. This ensures that commissions are paid out for revenue that is securely realized. The calculation period for each month's eligible commissions ends on the last business day of that month. Payments will be integrated into the regular payroll cycle, with separate line items detailing commission amounts.

As payments are received from the client, commissions will be calculated and disbursed in the next monthly payout cycle. This means if a client pays in installments, your commission will be paid in parts, aligning directly with the cash flow from the project.

What is the Reward Structure? 

For all projects: 

You can earn a generous commission rate of 8% on the total value of the first project's contract for every successful referral. Enjoy the opportunity to earn up to $10,000 in commission per referral, ensuring maximum rewards for your valuable connections. 

Project-Specific Rewards: 

  • Fixed Projects: Rewards for fixed projects are straightforward, reflecting 8% of the initial contract value, given the project's predetermined scope and budget.
  • Time and Material (T&M) Projects: For T&M projects, the commission is calculated based on the projected billing for the first three months. This approach accounts for the fluctuating nature of T&M engagements, ensuring referrers are compensated fairly for their contribution to initiating long-term client relationships.
  • Retainer Projects: Retainer-based referrals are rewarded based on the cumulative value of the first three months of the retainer agreement. This period provides a benchmark for the project's value and the enduring partnership it represents.

How are referral rewards handled for Monthly Retainers or On-Demand T&M clients?

Given the flexible nature of Month-to-Month Retainer and On-Demand T&M projects, the referral program is designed to reward referrals based on the project's initial engagement period.

  • Month-to-Month Retainers: For clients on a month-to-month retainer basis, the referral fee is calculated based on the cumulative value of the first three months of engagement. This period provides a reasonable estimate of the project's initial value to Brightscout.
  • On-Demand T&M: For on-demand T&M projects, the referral fee is based on the billing for the first three months of engagement, acknowledging the project's potential variability.

In designing the program's mechanics, simplicity and transparency were paramount. This structure not only incentivizes referrals, but also ensures fairness and consistency in reward distribution.

What happens if the project is not completed? 

Since commissions are paid out based on the revenue received from the client, the referral fee would naturally adjust to reflect the actual payments made for the project. If a project is canceled or not completed, and therefore full payment is not received from the client, the referral commission will be proportionate to the revenue that was actually realized. This ensures that your referral commission is always aligned with the financial outcome of the project.

Are there any limits on how many referrals I can make?

No, there are no limits! Isn’t it amazing? We encourage you to refer as many qualified leads as possible. Each successful referral contributes to our mutual success and is eligible for a referral fee.

Also consider…

In adherence to program guidelines previously described, the referral fee is exclusively applicable to the initial project secured by a newly referred client to Brightscout. Referrals maintain validity for 12 months from the submission date, ensuring ample time for potential collaborations to materialize. It's important to note that both the referrer and the referred party cannot be the same, preserving the program's integrity and authenticity. Furthermore, all awards and commissions are subject to taxation as per local laws and regulations, aligning with our commitment to ethical practices. While we strive for program continuity, Brightscout retains the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Referral Program without prior notice, safeguarding flexibility in response to evolving circumstances. Additionally, Brightscout reserves the right to withhold the final commission payment in cases where full project payment remains outstanding, maintaining financial prudence and accountability throughout our engagements.

So, let’s do it! 

By joining forces in this program, you not only contribute to the expansion of our Brightscout community, but also unlock exciting opportunities for mutual growth and prosperity! Your referrals are more than just transactions – they're testaments to the confidence and satisfaction you've experienced in our services. Through your valued connections, we extend our impact and deliver exceptional solutions to a wider audience.

Moreover, our program is designed with your convenience and benefit in mind. With straightforward eligibility criteria, transparent reward structures, and seamless processes, you can confidently engage in referring clients knowing that your efforts will be duly recognized and rewarded.

Together, we'll illuminate new horizons, forge deeper connections, and continue to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation. We also form a dynamic ecosystem where collaboration and innovation thrive, propelling us toward shared goals and aspirations. 

Furthermore, the rewards of our Referral Program extend far beyond monetary incentives. Each successful referral represents a new chapter in our journey, marked by opportunities to learn, grow, and create impactful solutions together. By recommending Brightscout to your network, you're not just endorsing our services – you're advocating for a standard of excellence and dedication that sets us apart in the industry.

Enter our Referral Program, the beacon of brilliance in the vast sea of brilliant ideas at Brightscout. You’ll find further information here and you can also submit your referral to: referrals@brightscout.com. Let's embark on this journey together, fueled by the spirit of collaboration and shared success.